It fits my record player perfectly and I love the second shelf to add extra touches." - shanellllea It fits so perfect in my studio apartment and the size is incredible for those small spaces that aren’t as easy to fill. Promising review: "I love this record player. These are so popular that they're constantly on backorder, so a heads up you might have to wait a few weeks depending on what color you choose - but it is *seriously* worth it!
#Edge lit diffuser plus#
Plus it just makes me so happy to see my favorite vinyls all on display like decor, and not have to be scrambling around under the bed or on a random shelf where I used to keep them so they'd be 'safe.' This came fully constructed, too, so there was no hassle pulling it straight out of the box. It's compact so it doesn't take up much space, but adds a lovely sophistication to the corner of the room. I bought one of these as an apartment-warming gift for my own darn self and I love it to pieces. Get it from Amazon for $91.69+ (available in two colors and two designs). This is a fantastic product, and while not inexpensive, in my opinion, well worth the money." - Tamstrat You can leave it on all night or set the timer to shut off.

I love that it has so many different sounds to choose from, as well as volume adjustment. I tried it, and slept like a baby the whole time we were there! I knew I had to have one at home, and ordered this as soon as we got home.

Then, while traveling, my husband and I stayed in a very nice hotel that had this product in our room. I tried falling asleep to the TV, but invariably around 3 a.m., I would wake up listening to infomercials.

Promising review: "I have suffered from insomnia all my life, and have found if I fall asleep listening to something I sleep better. Psst - it's compatible with speakers *and* headphones, so if you're sharing the room you don't have to subject your partner to it. Adaptive Sound Technologies is a small business established in 2009 specializing in sound technology for personal care.